Pomodoro Technique

Let’s explore time management with a tomato.

If your study or project gets interrupted by something better like an urgent need to clean the house, or dating apps or procrastination then try this – tomato idea.

Whilst some may be familiar with this idea. Others may not.

Welcome to the Pomodoro Technique. Pomodoro is the Italian word for Tomato.

In 1980 Francesco Cirillo needed intense focus with this study. So he used his tomato shaped kitchen timer as his personal timer. Francesco calculated that the ideal time for intense focus was 25 minutes followed by a five minute break. Done in sets of four then a twenty minute break.

So when you really need to focus set your Pomodoro for 25 minutes. Don’t let anyone or anything interrupt you. Everything else can wait. And that 25 minutes could help you create a masterpiece.

You can find Pomodoro timers in kitchen shops or online or even timer apps in the shape of tomato. Remember – Pomodoro Technique.